Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The New Home Affordable Refinance Program Help You To Save Both Your Home And Money

Homeowners have a tough choice when asked to chose between a home mortgage responsibility and an investment opportunity. The scales always favour towards being regular with a mortgage. This can be an unsatisfactory acquiescence, when a little extra amount could go a long way in building a strong cash balance or saving for a valuable investment. At present the good news is that, homeowners actually have the opportunity of being a little less tough on oneself. Refinancing through the new home affordable refinance program, to take advantage of prevailing low rates, is a way out of such predicaments. 

The U.S administration expects homeowners to not only hold on to their homes, but also to benefit financially from the various programs that have been put in place in lieu of the housing crisis. The new home affordable refinance program(HARP 2.0) is one such program which serves the purpose of providing refinance solutions to homeowners who are stuck with expensive or underwater mortgages. It helps homeowners to secure a new, more affordable and more safe mortgage. The availability of this plan has now been extended till December 2015. Earlier, the plan was meant to be effective till 2013. There are many benefits to saving a sizeable amount, every month, through lowered mortgage payments. Homeowner affordable refinance program would have remained just a dream without HARP, a module of Making Home Available(MHA) program. Lenders weren’t keen to refinance on underwater mortgages before the arrival of this program.

Some eligibility criteria to qualify for HARP refinancing are mentioned below for your convenience.

The Ratio of the current loan amount to the value of your home (LTV ratio) should be greater than 80%.

Your mortgage should be owned or guaranteed by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.

Your mortgage should have been sold to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac on or before May 31, 2009.

Your mortgage should not have been refinanced under HARP previously, unless it is a Fannie Mae loan that was refinanced under HARP from March-May, 2009.

You must be regular on mortgage payments, at the time of the refinance, and should be able to show a good payment history of past 12 months

You should also be aware that to refinance under HARP 2.0 Program, a loan application and underwriting process is required. Also remember that refinance fees will apply, for the same.

However, to take advantage of prevailing low interest rates on mortgage through the means of homeowner affordable refinance program, one should first qualify for the refinance. For this, home owners may take help from experts available on some leading websites like www.mortgage-refinanceprograms.com.

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