Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How Can The Home Affordable Refinance Program Help To Secure An Affordable Loan Programme? Find Out

There are some encouraging reports on the housing situation. Recent study shows less foreclosures and a decent amount of purchase of homes, in certain areas. Home Affordable Refinance Program can be credited for this situation. Responsible homeowners, who are striving to stay current on their mortgage in a situation where homeownership is increasingly becoming complicated, should also take recourse from this program. The Obama administration had came up with MHA programs to tackle exactly these kind of mortgage situations that prevailed across the country.

Homeowners, who can comfortably manage to pay their mortgages but are unable to get conventional refinancing owing to the actuality of now reduced home value, can very well benefit from this MHA program - to acquire lower interest rates. Home Affordable Refinance Program 2013 is equally useful for homeowners struggling to pay mortgages, owing to difficult financial circumstances. HARP was actually brought in to help thousands of borrowers to refinance for a better, more affordable loan plan, when refinancing was beyond their reach due to the reduced home value and the resulting financial crisis. Now the administration has announced an extension, till December 2015, for all MHA programs. Therefore, borrowers can hope to find more lenders proffering Home Affordable Refinance Plan at better terms. Many of the stringent eligibility guidelines, that the borrowers faced in the earlier version of HARP have been removed in the new HARP 2.0. This should be able to bring in more homeowners under the ambit of the program. However, hopeful aspirants should know that qualifying for refinancing isn’t that easy, so it would be in their best interest to ensure that  failure doesn’t await them at the application stage itself.

To be eligible for refinancing through HARP 2.0, borrowers should follow all of the criteria mentioned below:

Your mortgage should be owned or guaranteed by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.

Your mortgage should have been sold to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac on or before May 31, 2009.

Your mortgage should not have been refinanced under HARP previously, unless it is a Fannie Mae loan that was refinanced under HARP from March-May, 2009.

Ratio of the current loan amount to the value of your home (LTV ratio) should be greater than 80%.

You must be regular on mortgage payments, at the time of the refinance, and should be able to show a good payment history of past 12 months.

To qualify for this Home Affordable Refinance Plan 2013, home owners may take help from experts available on some leading websites like www.mortgage-refinanceprograms.com

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